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Rowan Vesper

Time Keeper Mint now on LaunchMyNFT
Image for Rowan Vesper

A warrior who walks the line between discipline and recklessness, her unwavering resolve makes her a formidable protector of time.

  • $TIME Device

  • Race

  • Age

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  • Era


Rowan Vesper's story

Selene Voss was born into a long line of Time Keepers, yet she never felt bound by their traditions. Fiercely independent, she trained relentlessly, determined to carve her own legacy.

When the Coalition of Nine threatened to fracture history, Selene took the fight to the front lines, her skill with both blade and strategy making her invaluable. Though she thrives in battle, a part of her longs for the days before war, when time itself wasn’t a battleground.