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Freya Alden

Time Keeper Mint now on LaunchMyNFT
Image for Freya Alden

A fierce warrior from a frozen world, Freya leads Time Keeper missions into the harshest of eras.

  • $TIME Device

  • Race

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Era


Freya Alden's story

Freya Alden’s homeland was an endless tundra, where survival was a battle waged daily. When her village was wiped from history, she was the only one who remembered it ever existed.

She hunted the truth and found the Time Keepers, who revealed the war for time’s integrity. Without hesitation, she joined them, bringing with her the unyielding strength of her people.

Now, Freya leads missions into the harshest of timelines, fighting to keep history from being rewritten.